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4 Things To Avoid in Charging Phones


4 Things To Avoid in Charging Phones 


In charging the phone is some people making a number of mistakes that cause the charging system or have their phone batteries damaged in advance.  Today understand the factors to consider in charging the phone and making batteries durable.

Be aware by following some of these details to make sure your phone battery never gets bored - this means faster charging capacity, and longer charging capacity.

1. Don't let your phone charge up to 0% every hour

Things to consider in charging: Do not leave your phone until it is completely off and start charging  Charge-to-charge charging often damages your phone's battery charging capacity and also affects its charging speed.  Start setting up your phone charging range between 5 - 50%.

2. Leave your phone on charging for a long .

Leaving your phone on the battery for a long time, especially when it is full is detrimental to your phone's battery quality.  This includes those who have the habit of charging overnight, constantly charging at work etc. These are all the habits that kill your phone's battery.

Leaving a charger that is charging will charge the battery to generate more heat and this will destroy its quality.

3. Use of poor quality chargers

If you have purchased the phone at a high price, it is also best to make sure you are using high quality chargers.  Chargers that are not good quality other than charging your phone can also damage your charging system.

4. Charging your phone when it is very hot

Was your phone a hot spot?  If you forgot the location of the window or car and as a result the phone should be hot and do not charge until it cools.  Switching and charging the battery when it is hot will cause the battery to lose its quality.


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